The Upcoming “Decentralized Cloud” (DPaaS): Decentralized Computing + DB + Storage as a Service

April 24, 2018
I had a talk at a blockchain conference regarding the upcoming public “Decentralized Cloud” systems, which will combine the best of the public cloud platforms (like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku, …) with the blockchain and peer-to-peer networks (Ethereum, IPFS, EOS, TRON, NEM, NEO, Storj, Sia, …). Why? Because the trend towards decentralized organizations (DAO)

I am Teaching the Blockchain Dev Camp Sofia (Jan-March 2018) – Intensive 240 Hours Training

January 11, 2018
I am happy to announce that I will teach the first 6-week long intensive Blockchain Dev Camp, which will be held in Sofia in the Software University from 29 Jan 2018. To enroll, visit the course official site: Blockchain Dev Camp – Sofia (Feb 2018) The developer camp will teach the blockchain technologies from the developer perspective