WP.NET: Как да изпълняваме WordPress в .NET среда и IIS чрез Phalanger?

October 26, 2013
Днес бях лектор на най-голямoто българско WordPress събитие: WordCamp Sofia 2013. Разказах и демонстрирах един инструмент за компилация на PHP код към .NET CLR и изпълнението му в .NET Framework среда върху IIS (Internet Information Services). Използвах инструмента Phalanger (PHP компилатор, който компилира PHP код към .NET assembly / .DLL файл). В крайна сметка демонстрирах

.NET Framework Course and Teaching Materials – Curriculum

October 13, 2010
Annotation: The course objective is to introduce the students to the principles of application development for the Microsoft .NET Framework. The most important topics covered include: Architecture of .NET Framework, CLR managed execution environment, C# language, Common Type System (CTS), .NET components (assemblies), Framework Class Library, as well as Remoting and Web-services. Accessing data with

Svetlin Nakov – University Courses

September 5, 2010
This page is no longer maintained. For the most recent courses I teach, visit the SoftUni: Open courses @ SoftUni The software engineering program @ SoftUni JS-Apps JS-Advanced programming Java Basics Full Course (13 Hours) – October 2021 (October 2021, SoftUni.org) The “Java Basics Full Course“ develops basic coding skills with the Java language. It