Multi-Signature Wallets: Nakov @ SoftUnit Conf 2018

September 29, 2018
Today I had a talk at the SoftUnit Conf 2018 titled “Multi-Signature Crypto-Wallets“, where I explained the the problems with single-user-controlled wallets, the concepts of multisig wallets, multisig addresses, how multi-signature wallets are implemented in Bitcoin and Ethereum and demonstrated the Gnosis multisig wallet contract (Solidity code), running on the Ropsten Ethereum testnet, along with the

Blockchain Cryptography for Developers: ECC, secp256k1, SCrypt, AES, Wallets

April 15, 2018
Recently I had a talk about the basics of cryptography for blockchain developers at the Bulgarian Web Summit 2018. I am happy to succeed to introduce the most important concepts of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), key derivation and encryption (SCrypt, AES and HMAC), digital signatures (ECDSA, sign / verify) and crypto-wallets (HD wallets, mnemonics

Blockchain Introduction

October 18, 2017
Recently I had a talk about the Blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies and their application to the real world economy. Watch my blockchain talk as video: About this Blockchain Talk Blockchain is a decentralized ledger (distributed database with no owner) running the infrastructure for digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It this talk the speaker will explain