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Free Public Speaking Event @ Telerik Academy (Toastmasters Club Sofia), 27-November-2012

We are happy to announce an event, especially organized for those of you who want to improve their public speaking skills (in English). A demonstrational meeting held by the Toastmasters Club Sofia will take place in our “Light” training hall on November, 27th 2012 (Tuesday) @18:30.

How Toastmasters Public Speaking Workshops Work?

A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop with a no-pressure atmosphere. There is no instructor. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success. Meeting participants give prepared speeches, evaluation speeches as well as impromptu talks on assigned topics, and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure.

A typical meeting of Sofia Toastmasters consists of three prepared speeches and five impromptu speeches as well as a lot of evaluation and feedback for the speakers. It takes up to two hours. As it is an international organization the official language is English.

If you are eager to give a presentation, test your public speaking skills and receive a friendly feedback, or you prefer to listen to the speakers, share your opinion and gain some experience, you are welcome to join the session. As usual, admission is free and only a registration is required.

About Toastmasters International

Toastmasters International is a club in which people train and practice their presentation and leadership skills. There are Toastmasters clubs in 116 countries and the global membership currently is over 200 000 people. Watch a video of a regular meeting on “Public Speaking” and learn more about the initiative:

Please bear in mind that the seats available for next Tuesday are limited. We will, however, try to organize such meeting on regular basis (twice a month).

Comments (7)

7 Responses to “Free Public Speaking Event @ Telerik Academy (Toastmasters Club Sofia), 27-November-2012”

  1. Thanks!! 🙂 Това наистина е вече повече от Приятна Изненада 🙂

  2. Мдаа, докато го блогна и свършиха местата. За да е по-практично ползваме малката зала и записваме до 50 души. Със сигурност ще правим пак.

  3. super, shte ochavame, za da se joinem 🙂

  4. nakov says:

    Колеги, пуснахме ново записване на public speaking обученията:

  5. Radostina says:

    Здравейте! Силно съм заинтересована да започна такъв курс възможно най-скоро. Бихте ли ми казали дали организирате скоро такова сзбитие.

  6. nakov says:

    @Radostina, пратихме ти инфо по мейла.

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