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Database Apps, Entity Framework, SQL Server, XML & JSON – Practical Hands On Lab by Nakov

The goal of this practical hands on lab is to learn how to develop database applications with C#, Entity Framework and SQL Server. If you follow the tutorial steps below, you will learn how to create a database, map the database to EF data model (database first and code first), query the database, import and export data, parse and create XML and JSON. This lab is part of the practical course “Database Applications” @ Software University.

Note: the source code in all examples below is intentionally given as image to avoid copy-pasting.


Problem 0. Restore the Database

You are given a MS SQL Server database “Geography holding continents, countries, currencies, monasteries and rivers, available as SQL script. Restore the database “Geography by running the provided SQL script: Create-Geography-Database-SQL-Server.sql.

Step 1. Connect to MS SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio. You may use MS SQL Express Edition, MS SQL Developer Edition of MS SQL LocalDB (version 2012, 2014 or later). Example (connecting to SQL 2014 LocalDB):


Step 2. Run the SQL script to create the database schema and load sample data in the tables (drag and drop the file “Create-Geography-Database-SQL-Server.sql” into the SQL Server Management Studio and execute it):


The SQL script should execute without errors:


Step 3. Refresh the Databases. You should see the database “Geography“. It should hold several tables (Continents, Countries, Currencies, Monasteries, Rivers and CountriesRivers).

Ensure you have data in all tables:


Problem 1. Entity Framework Mappings (Database First)

Create an Entity Framework (EF) data model of the existing database “Geography” (map the database tables to C# classes). Use the “database first” model in EF. To test your EF data model, list all continent names.

Step 1. Start Visual Studio. Use Visual Studio 2013 or later. Create a new Blank Solution called Db-Apps-Lab“:


Step 2. Create a new C# Console Application in your blank VS solution called “EF-Mappings“:


Step 3. Add a reference to “Entity Framework” through the NuGet Package Manger in Visual Studio:


Step 4. Add a new ADO.NET Entity Data Model named “Geography“:


Step 5. Create a database first EF mappings (choose the EF Designer from existing database):


Step 6. Create a database connection to your “Geography” database in MS SQL Server:


Step 7. Select all tables to be mapped in the EF data model:


Step 8. Visual Studio will create for you a EF database first data model (EDMX file):


Step 9. To list all continent names, write some code:


Step 10. Run your program. It should list the continent names from the database:


Step 11. Rename the class “Program” to “ListContinents“. Also, rename the file name. Rename your project from “EF-Mappings” to “1. EF-Mappings” (this is the solution of the first lab problem and you will have more problems: 2, 3, 4, …).

Problem 2. Export Rivers as JSON

Write a C# application based on your EF data model for exporting all rivers along with their countries in the following JSON format:


  { "riverName": "Nile", "riverLength": 6650, "countries": ["Burundi","Democratic Republic of the Congo","Egypt","Eritrea","Ethiopia","Kenya","Rwanda","South Sudan","Sudan","Tanzania","Uganda"] },
  { "riverName": "Amazon", "riverLength": 6400, "countries": ["Bolivia","Brazil","Colombia","Ecuador","Guyana","Peru","Venezuela"] },
  { "riverName": "Yangtze", "riverLength": 6300, "countries":["China"] },

Write the output in a JSON file named rivers.json. Include in the output the rivers with no countries (if any). The JSON file code formatting is not important.

Order the rivers by length (from the longest) and the countries for each river alphabetically.

For better performance, ensure your program executes a single DB query and retrieves from the database only the required data (without any unneeded rows and columns).

Step 1. Create a new Console Application called “Export-Rivers-as-JSON in your VS solution:


Step 2. Rename the project from “Export-Rivers-as-JSON to “2. Export-Rivers-as-JSON“:


Step 3. Set the current VS project as startup project:


Step 4. Add a NuGet reference to the package “Entity Framework“:


Step 5. To reuse the EF data model from the previous exercise, add a reference to the project holding the previous problem “1. EF-Mappings“:



Step 6. Rename the class “Program” to “ExportRiversAsJson“.

Step 7. Write some C# code to list all rivers:


Step 8. Run the program to see the “No connection string” exception:


Step 9. Add the connection string settings to your App.config file or copy the entire App.config file from the previous example:


Step 10. Now run your program again. It should list all rivers:


Step 11. Write a LINQ query to select all rivers, their name, length and countries:


Step 12. Test your query by running the program and checking the output.

Step 13. Add the requested sorting by river length (from longest) and sorting by country name alphabetically:


Step 14. Print the results to the console with a foreach loop.

Step 15. Finally, you have to convert the results to JSON. You can use the JavaScriptSerializer. First add a reference to the .NET assembly System.Web.Extensions.dll:


Step 16. Use the following code to serialize the results as JSON string:


Step 17. Finally, save the result JSON string to a text file named “rivers.json“. Find in Internet how to “write text to file in C#“. You may use File.WriteAllText(…).

Step 18. Run and test your program. Open the output file bin\Debug\rivers.json in Visual Studio and check whether is holds the correct results as expected. Un-minify the JSON to check it for correctness. If the “Un-minify” option is unavailable, update your Visual Studio to the latest version or install Web Essentials for Visual Studio (


Step 19. Check for performance problems and ensure your program executes a single SQL query. You might use the SQL Express Profiler to see all executed queries:


Problem 3. Export Monasteries by Country as XML

Write a C# application based on your EF data model for exporting all monasteries by country to a XML file named monasteries.xml in the following XML format:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <country name="Bhutan">
    <monastery>Taktsang Palphug Monastery</monastery>
  <country name="Bulgaria">
    <monastery>Bachkovo Monastery “Virgin Mary”</monastery>
    <monastery>Rila Monastery “St. Ivan of Rila”</monastery>
    <monastery>Troyan Monastery “Holy Mother's Assumption”</monastery>

Exclude all countries with no monasteries. Use an XML parser by choice.

Order the countries alphabetically and the monasteries in each country also alphabetically.

For better performance, ensure your program executes a single DB query and retrieves from the database only the required data (without unneeded rows and columns).

Step 1. Create a new Console Application called “Export-Monasteries-as-XML in your VS solution.

Step 2. Rename the project from “Export-Monasteries-as-XML to “3. Export-Monasteries-as-XML“.

Step 3. Add a NuGet reference to the package “Entity Framework“.

Step 4. Add a reference to the project holding EF data model “1. EF-Mappings“.

Step 5. Rename the class “Program” to “ExportMonasteriesAsXml“.

Step 6. Copy the App.config from the project “1. EF-Mappings“. Thus, you will copy the DB connection string.

Step 7. Write some code to list all monasteries, for example:


Step 8. Run and test your code. Ensure the monasteries are listed correctly:


Step 9. Write a query to select all the monasteries alphabetically along with all their countries alphabetically. To test your query, print the monasteries and their countries to the console. Your code might look similar to this:


Step 10. Exclude from the query the countries with no monasteries. You may use a .Where(…) filter along with monasteries.Any().

Note that you should first filter the data, then sort and finally select. If you put the .Where(…) filter last, it will cause runtime error during the translation of the LINQ query to SQL.

Step 11. Test again to ensure all countries with their monasteries are listed correctly.

Step 12. Check for performance problems and ensure your program executes a single SQL query (and the N+1 query problem is avoided). You might use the SQL Express Profiler to see all executed queries:


Step 13. Now you have to build the output XML. The easiest way is to use the XElement class (the LINQ to XML parser). You can start with the root element:


Step 14. Then you can iterate through all countries and append each country as child XElement:


Step 15. As next step you could iterate though all monasteries in each country and attach the current monastery as child XElement:


Step 16. Print the output XML on the console to ensure it is correct.

Step 17. Finally save the XML to file:


Step 18. Check the output file bin\Debug\monasteries.xml:


Problem 4. Import Rivers from XML

Write a C# application based on your EF data model for importing into the DB a set of rivers given in the XML file rivers.xml. The rivers come in the following XML format:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <outflow>Aegean Sea</outflow>
    <name>Madre de Dios</name>
    <outflow>Beni River</outflow>

The name, length and outflow elements are mandatory. The drainage-area, average-discharge and countries elements are optional.

You should parse the XML and throw an exception in case of incorrect data, e.g. when a required element is missing or an invalid value is given. The size of the XML file will be less than 10 MB. Use an XML parser by choice.

Step 1. Create a new Console application named “Import-Rivers-From-XML” in your VS solution.

Step 2. Rename the application to “4. Import-Rivers-From-XML“.

Step 3. Add a NuGet reference to the package “Entity Framework“.

Step 4. To reuse the EF data model, add a reference to the project “1. EF-Mappings“.

Step 5. Rename the class “Program” to “ImportRiversFromXml“. Rename also the file “Program.cs” to “ImportRiversFromXml.cs“.

Step 6. Replace your local App.config file with the App.config from the project “1. EF-Mappings“. This will copy transfer your connection string settings.

Step 7. To test whether you have correctly configured EF, the DB connection string and you have database access, you can query for the number of rivers from the database and print the result on the console:


Step 8. The next step is to parse the XML input file. First, create a sample file rivers.xml and put inside the rivers from the example:



Step 9. As a next step, load the XML and print it on the console. You might use the XDocument parser:


Step 10. Test your program to ensure you have loaded the XML correctly.

Your compiled project (.exe file) is located in bin\Debug folder, so if you want to load the rivers.xml from the root of your C# project, it should be accessed through the path “..\..\rivers.xml“.

If the XML fails to parse, check whether is it correct. In the problem description, the sample XML is unfinished (it holds “” at the last line), so you need to finish it.

Step 11. Now you have loaded the XML in the memory as XDocument. The next step is to iterate through all rivers. You may select them with an XPath selector “/rivers/river“. Then, you can print the selected nodes:


If the XPathSelectElements(…) extension method is unavailable, add “using System.Xml.XPath“.

Step 12. Test your code to ensure it selects and prints all rivers correctly.

Step 13. Now you should extract the data from each river. First, extract the mandatory fields:


Step 14. Next, extract the optional fields: drainage area and average discharge. Each optional field should be explicitly checked for null:


Step 15. Test your code. The easiest way is to put a breakpoint and ensure the river data is correctly parsed:


Alternatively, you can print the parsed river data on the console:


Step 16. Now parse the countries for each river in the same way, with an XPath selector “countries/country“, then print the rivers with its countries on the console:


Note: You should relative XPath selector “countries/country“, not full. If you use XPath selector “/countries/country” (with leading “/“), it will select nothing. If you use “/rivers/river/countries/country“, it will select all countries for all rivers.

Step 17. Test your project to ensure the rivers data is correctly parsed.

Step 18. The next step is to import the parsed rivers into the database. First create a River entity, fill its properties and save it to DB:


Step 19. Check whether the rivers are imported in the database with SQL Server Management Studio:


Step 20. Now write the code to load the countries for each river in the database. You need to find each country by its name and then add it to the current river:


Step 21. Finally, run the program and check in the database whether the countries are correctly added to the imported rivers:


Problem 5. EF Code First: Countries, Mountains and Peaks

Create an Entity Framework (EF) code first data model for keeping countries, mountains and peaks.

  • Countries have country code (2 Latin letters) and country name.
  • Mountains have a name and belong to multiple countries.
  • Peaks have a name, elevation and mountain.

Step 1. Create a new Console application named “Mountains-Code-First” in your VS solution.

Step 2. Rename the application to “5. Mountains-Code-First“.

Step 3. Add a NuGet reference to the package “Entity Framework“.

Step 4. Rename the class “Program” to “MountainsCodeFirst“. Rename also the file “Program.cs” to “MountainsCodeFirst.cs“.

Step 5. Create a new Entity Framework Code First Data Model. Click on the VS project, select [Add] -> [New Item…] -> [Data] -> [ADO.NET Entity Data Model]. Name it “MountainsContext“:


Choose “Empty Code First model“:


Visual Studio will generate for you a skeleton for your MountainsContext:


Step 6. Now create your first entity class Country. It should hold country code (two characters, primary key) and country name (string, required). Entity classes should be public. The Country class might look like this:


Step 7. Add the Country entity in your DB context. First clean-up the MountainsContext class, then add a DbSet of countries:


Step 8. The best way to continue is to test the project. First, configure the database connection string in App.config. It should hold the server name (e.g. “(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB” or “.\SQLEXPRESS“) and the database name (e.g. “Mountains“):


Step 9. To test the EF code first data model, try to find the countries count from the database:


Step 10. Run your application. It should print “0” on the console, without any error messages.

  • If your application runs without errors, it should have created the database “Mountains” (see your connection string). Try to open the database and check whether the “Countries” tables is correctly defined. It should have columns “Code” (primary key) and “Name” of correct data type.


  • If your application fails with an exception, this is most probably due to incorrect connection string. You can fix your connection string in your App.config file.

Step 11. It looks like EF has generated the column Country.Code of type nvarchar(2) instead of char(2). This can be fixed by the configuration attribute [Column]:


Step 12. Now run the code after the fix. It will fail with “InvalidOperationException: The model has changed since the database was created.”. This is completely normal, because the project has not been configured to use “Code First Migrations“:


Step 13. By default the migration strategy in EF code first projects is CreateDatabaseIfNotExists. You can change this strategy with another: DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges. This EF database migration strategy will work well in our case, but avoid it in production systems, because it drops the database with all data in all tables each time when you modify the EF data model. To change the default DB migration strategy, put this code at the application start:


Step 14. Now run again your project. It should drop the existing database and re-create it again to apply the changes in the EF code first data model.

Sometimes, you could get an exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot drop database “Mountains” because it is currently in use. If this happens, ensure you have closed SQL Server Management Studio and any other applications that use the database.

In the typical case, your program will run and will display “0” countries in the database, because it will be empty after the drop and create.

Step 15. Now open the SQL Server Management Studio and insert a few new records in the Countries table:


Step 16. Run your program again. It should show how many countries are available in the database.

Step 17. The next step is to define the Mountain and Peak entity classes:

clip_image131[6] clip_image133[6]

Step 18. Modify your EF database context to register the new entity classes:


Step 19. Run your program to test the modified EF data model. The database should be automatically dropped and re-created with tables for the new entity classes. Check the structure of the tables in the database:


Step 20. Now we have the Countries, Mountains and Peaks tables in the DB, but no relations are defined between them. Let’s define the relationships:

  • Countries have many mountains (many-to-many):


  • Mountains have many peaks (one-to-many) and belong to many countries (many-to-many):


  • Peaks belong to certain mountain (many-to-one):


Step 21. Now test your EF code first data model by creating a few countries, mountains and peaks:


Step 22. Run the code. Your database should have a few countries, mountains and peaks:


Step 23. To check whether the tables have correct relationships, create a database diagram in SQL Server Management Studio. It should hold the tables Countries, Mountains, Peaks and the many-to-many table MountainsCountries and correct relationships:


Problem 6. EF Code First: Seed the Database

Seed your database with a few countries, mountains and peaks using the EF migrations framework. It is OK to drop the database in case of model changes or use any other migration strategy.

  • Countries: Bulgaria and Germany.
  • Mountains: Rila, Pirin and Rhodopes, all in country Bulgaria.
  • Peaks: Musala (elevation 2925, Rila), Malyovitsa (elevation 2729, Rila) and Vihren (elevation 2914, Pirin).

To test your data model, list all mountains along with their countries and peaks.

Step 1. Seeding the database means to initially load some data after the database is created or modified. To seed the database, we could create our own database migration class by inheriting some of the existing EF migration classes (e.g. DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges) and override their Seed(…) method:


The Seed(…) method will be invoked after the database is dropped and re-created. You need to configure the application to use your new migration strategy class:


Step 2. Now drop the database and run the program. It should invoke the Seed(…) method. Check the results in the database. You should have 3 countries (“Bulgaria” and “Germany” from the seed method and “Absurdistan” from the main program):


Step 3. Now list all mountains along with their countries and peaks in order to test the seed:


Step 4. Run the program to test whether it works correctly. The output should be like this:


Comments (3)

3 Responses to “Database Apps, Entity Framework, SQL Server, XML & JSON – Practical Hands On Lab by Nakov”


    Database Apps, Entity Framework, SQL Server, XML & JSON – Practical Hands On Lab by Nakov | Svetlin Nakov’s Blog

  2. Gediminas Bukauskas says:

    Count how much data transformations will occur in your solution of Problem 3. Adding ‘FOR XML RAW’ one may get the same data directly from MS SQL Server in one step, without transformations. Good example for those who stays on pure ADO.NET.

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